Blast from the past! There have been murmuring (and a few leaked images) of some new Teddy Troops by Flying Fortress and Artoyz. Today we finally got the full reveal of two 3 inch blank Troops....
03 November 2016
10 June 2013
Kathie Olivas & Brandt Peters (of Circus Posterus) have four complete sets of the 6.25" Oliver and Mortimer the Mortician... |
01 March 2012
French toy label and awesome store Artoyz, is proud to announce its newest release from the Toxic Candies series. You might remember, Marge Mallow, the 3rd... |
04 May 2011
The first ever vinyl toy release from Alexone sees this awesome piece called French Lowrider. Based on one of his paintings (a tribute to his old Citroën BX), Alëxone Dizac, brings the surreal... |
07 January 2010
02 September 2009
10 July 2008
As people may know I'm not a big Dunny fan but when I saw this over on Artoyz I was blown away. Partly it's because I really like Koralie and Supakitch's work, it's kinda cute without being too... |
03 June 2008
Interesting news from across "le manche" from the good folks at Artoyz. Quite apart from being a great store, online retailer, european distributor and gallery space, they're now branching... |
18 October 2016
Whoah, blast from the past! Flying Fortress and Artoyz are teaming up to create a new line of Teddy Troops, according to... |
30 August 2012
Exhibiting pieces with ghostly or spirit-laden themes, the Circus Posterus collective are bringing their unique artistic visions... |
13 February 2012
Released tomorrow, Valentines day (That's Feb 14th incase you were unsure) are these cute Miss Marge Mallow, from the Stepane Levallois and Artoyz originals Toxic Candies line. This is the second... |
06 May 2010
Dropping today at Artoyz are the latest versions of the new MIST figure "Lucius". Both an edition of 500 the US version comes in indigo blue with black/orange detailing, while the European... |
24 December 2009
25 February 2009
04 July 2008
Artoyz Originals are really ramping up their work and i'm pretty excitied about what they've got in store as I seem drawn increasingly to the French artists they work with. After the... |
17 May 2007
I have just pinched this picture from guillotine's blog (i hope they don't mind). I was so excited to see our mag on there blog then i spotted this babies!! They work so well in Qee form! I think... |
01 December 2015
While you can pick up the general releases from Leo'z Series 2 - a collaboration between Peugeot and artoyz - you'll have to drop by Peugeot's Paris showroom to grab the JPK variation. Jon-Paul... |
28 March 2012
24 January 2012
The next stop of the Eeerz Tour will be held at Artoyz in Paris... |
11 January 2010
23 November 2009
06 February 2009