10-Doh! Entertainment System
01 April 2016

Nate Mitchell of Squid Kids Ink has been holding out for the past year. But today he's finally ready to reveal the 10-Doh! Entertainment System. Based on the original Nintendo Entertainment System...

mega-bit sega carts by Nate Mitchell
03 July 2014

Rise from your grave! If you've been holding out for a 16-bit upgrade from So Analog's 10-Doh series, you're in luck. Channeling the power of Blast Processing, Nate Mitchell and Sega have...

25 January 2013

Here's Canadian artist Patrick Wong's design for Squid Kids Ink's...

06 December 2012

Squid Kids Ink is selling a limited edition resin Santa Hat Tombstone version of its video game cartridge-inspired Mini 10-Doh! line, with just 25 pieces produced for the line. Each is hand casted...

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