Posted by Geoff July 06, 2010

Shawnimals kicks off the SDCC exclusives with two new Yeti Ninja variants. First up is the Midnight edition a cave dwelling Ninja that keeps himself to himself. His pal Rawr...well he could just be dirty snow or maybe it's a lump of coal? This guy is limited to 50 and priced at $45 only from the Rotofugi stand at SDCC.

More in line with California is the second variant, the Beach Bum Yeti Ninja. This Yeti has found refuge on the beaches of a vast high-altitude lake near the top of Mount Feroshi. Sadly, his snow friend Rawr melted in the hot sun, but this Yeti Ninja used his smarts to create an all-new friend out of sand. Again this is limited to 50, priced at $45 and is a Kidrobot SDCC exclusive.


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