Posted by baykiddead July 17, 2011

One of the hardest things to remove from art, is ego. One way to attempt that task is to collaborate. And that's exactly what was done here. I can't speak to the ego side of things, just the finished results of what sounds like a very cool idea, executed it seems, perfectly. The idea was to distribute a sheet of A3 paper among 4 different artists with the instruction that each one would fill approximately 1/4 of the page, and then send it off to the next in line.

It's an idea that, on paper, seems awesome. But considering the myriad of ways a project like this could go wrong, the results achieved much more. The way these final images flow suggests a single hand, or in the very least, all four artists in the same room working together on a shared, and agreed upon, image. The title image was done by Martin Butler x Joshua Owen x Miss C x  Little Gamgee.

Joshua Owen x Little Gamgee x Martin Butler x Iain Sellar

Little Gamgee x Miss C x Kemo Kame x Stina Jones

Apparently, the misspelling of collaboration is an oversight by the project's lead and they are aware they made a mistake. Learn more HERE


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