Posted by marc April 07, 2016
Ice Bat Sofubi

There's been some buzz lately after some teasers of a sofubi mini figure series from David Horvath's Uglydolls, including fan favorite, Ice Bat. But back in 2008, a six inch sofubi Ice Bat was released as part of Wonderwall's Kaiju for Grown Up series. Slightly redesigned, this version of Ice Bat featured a larger head and smaller wings for a somewhat chibi appearance. The sculpt was spot on, and while from a distance the toy looks simple, a closer look reveals impressive detail work, such as scaling on the body and feet. 14 colorways were produced, many of which were cast in transparent resin and adorned with hits of metallic spray.

I paid $85 for my bagged and tagged transparent blue version at Toy Tokyo in 2011. These days, expect to pay between $80 and $175 depending on the rarity of the colorway you're after and condition. The transparent blue version, for example, was limited to 200 pieces while the blue, green, and yellow lamé version was limited to only 10 copies.

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