Just got back (literally) from the new SEEN show "Sign of the Times" @ Stolenspace Gallery on Brick Lane. Decent crowd gathered for the doors to open at 6:30 and soon we were milling about looking at Seen's latest work.
Really impressive stuff - some of it seems pretty dark, perhaps reflecting SEEN's views on the current art scene, NYC and life in general.
I think my favourite pieces were the smaller "Pigeon" canvases - had a nice look to them. I hate to call them very "urban" but i'm tired and can't think of anything more astounding right now. Gimme a day and i'll find a decent less wanky term. Maybe.
I did find some of the smaller canvas sets (Blue and White series) repetitive and pretty boring...like SEEN by numbers. The smaller room was way too small for this show, altohugh this is where they tucked the small canvases away. In fact the entire space seemed a little cramped for such a major artist especially after about half an hour when the crowd really began to gather.
But well worth a visit if you're in London town just to see the large pieces in the main room
More pics here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8341678@N06/sets/72157602703040498/
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