Following on from Mr Trustpigs post about the veritable amounts of exclusives The Sucklord is releasing this weekend at SDCC, we have some more detailed images. All released at the DKE booth #4728.
First up a much better pic of "The Toy Whose Name We Shall Not Speak". I have to admit that from the first pictures of this I didn't like it, however after seeing this pic I have totally done a 180 and now we need it!!
Released on Thursday (July 12th) at 11am, during a Sucklord signing they will be priced at $150 and only 9 will be available. Standing at 5" tall, this was painted with MonsterKolor, and is sold without packaging.
Next up my absolutely favorite of Sucklords releases, "Licorice Leslie!" She will be available on Wednesday night (previews night) at show opening. Priced at $45 there will be 70 available. 3" tall and on a blister card. Cracks me up!
Number 3 on my list - "Gay Energon: Roddium Pride". Released on Thursday at 11am (during a signing withe Sucklord), only $40 wil be available and priced at $125.
Last up is my least favorite, I was never a Star Trek fan, but I do think its funny - "The Gay Enterprise"Double pack. Again released on Thursday at 11am (during the signing), these will be $150 and 30 will be available.
So there you have it. Get your suckadelic fix at SDCC!!
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