How CUTE is this ice cream toy and why hasn't this been produced yet? It's called Jr Scoop and it's the product of ...
17 March 2016
02 October 2013
Producing what is surely one of the most complex Japanese vinyl (sofubi) Designer Toy figures yet, RESTORE have revealed their brand new... |
27 February 2013
Standing 7" tall, BowoBaghaskara's Uncle Bruno prototype is complete.... |
11 December 2012
Dynamite Rex revealed the first vinyl prototype sample of... |
15 July 2012
Spotted by Spanky Stokes at Super7's 2012... |
09 July 2012
Los Angeles-based artist Philip Lumbang was obsessed and inspired by cartoons as a child, which influenced his illustration style and lead to the... |
02 September 2009
03 March 2009
02 April 2014
Kenth Toy Works have unveiled their newest masterpiece monster, a kaijin (humanoid creature) that will come with a shark-headed surfboard... |
17 June 2013
Norwegian designer and illustrator Bard "Hole" Standal has posted some pictures of the prototypes for his fantastic... |
18 January 2013
Indonesian artist BowoBaghaskara has sent us some photos of his upcoming "Uncle Bruno" figure. "Uncle Bruno" will be cast in resin and stand 7... |
16 July 2012
Spotted at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con in the DKE Toys's Booth by... |
14 July 2012
On display in their 2012 San Diego Comic-Con Booth (#4729), Super7 revealed the prototypes for... |
09 October 2009
02 July 2009
04 December 2008